



Wayne Kerr 4350

Miernik LCR 4350 LCR Meter Wayne Kerr; 500kHz; C, L, Z, Y, X, B, Rac, Rdc, G, Q, D, Ø; dokładność bazowa 0.1%

Więcej szczegółów

Miernik LCR Meter 4350 (20Hz - 500kHz)

The new 4300 range not only offers all the parameters normally found in a standard LCR meter, but it also measures many more to give a truly versatile instrument. RS232 or GPIB interface is included as standard, and it can be used with the full range of Wayne Kerr accessories for even more flexibility.

  • Test components from 20Hz to 500kHz 
  • 0.1% basic accuracy
  • < 25ms measurement time
  • Parameters C, L, Z, Y, X, B, Rac, Rdc, G, Q, D, Ø
  • Single or two test operation
  • Up to four parameters may be displayed (two test mode)
  • Drive level from 10mV to 2Vrms
  • Scale mode with measurement target limits
  • Operator mode with target limits
  • +2V internal or up to ±40Vdc external bias
  • Measurement setup Save and Recall
  • GPIB / IEEE-488, USB, LAN and RS-232 interfaces
  • Handler Scaleizer module (Optional)
  • Binning (Optional)
  • Protection against charged capacitors
  • Small size and light weight

All 4300 units are supplied with the following items as standard:
DC-Resistance, 4300 User Manual, AC power cord, 1EVA40150 Kelvin leads & Calibration Certificate

Options (4300)
/B1 Binning Non-isolated (cannot be fitted with /B2)
/B2 Binning Opto-Coupled (cannot be fitted with /B1)

Accessories (4300)
1J1012 SMD fixture 2 terminal
1J1014 SMD fixture 4 terminal
1EVA40150 Kelvin Leads (fine jaws)
1EVA40180 Kelvin Leads (large jaws)
1EVA40120 SMD Tweezers
1EV1505 4 Terminal Lead Set
1EV1006 BNC to 4-Terminal Component Fixture
1EV1905A SMD Probe Lead
1JCALRES Certificate of Calibration with 4300 test results

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