Tektronix 7623A + 7B53A
Analog Storage Oscilloscope
Analog Storage Oscilloscope
The Tektronix 7623A Analog Storage Oscilloscope requires Tektronix 7xxx series plug-ins
100 MHz Bandwidth with a 3.5 ns risetime
Fastest calibrated sweep rate of 5 nS/div.
Stored writing speed of 135 cm/microsecond.
The Tektronix 7623A Storage Oscilloscope is a solid-state, high-performance instrument designed for fast writing rate storage applications. This instrument accepts Tektronix 7-series plug-in units to form a complete measurement system. The flexibility of this plug-in feature and the variety of plug-in units available allow the system to be used for many measurement applications.
The Tektronix 7623A Storage Oscilloscope provides 150 div/µs stored writing speed and 100 MHz bandwidth. The instrument has five operation modes: Non-Store, Normal and fast Variable Persistence and Normal and fast Bistable.
Crt- Internal 8 x 10-division (0.9 cm/div) and 8 x 10-division (0.45 cm/div) graticule with variable illumination.
Acceleration Potential- Approx 8.5 kV
The 7623A Oscilloscope was also manufactured by the Sony-Tektronix Corp., Tokyo, Japan.
The 7B53A Time Base provides normal, intensified delaying, delayed, and mixed sweeps.
Sweep Rate:
Calibrated 5 s/div to 50ns in 25 steps. 5ns/div, the fastest calibrated sweep rate is obtained with the X10 Magnifier.Uncalibrated VariableContinuously variable between steps to at least 2.5 times the calibrated sweep rate.