Racal Dana 9343M
Measurement ranges.
R: 0,1 mohm to 990 MOhm.
L: 0,001 µH to 9900 H
C: 0,001 pF to 9999 µF
D: 0,001 to 999
Q: 0,001 to 999
Ultimate resolution.
L: 0,001 µH.
C: 0,001 pF
R: 0,1 mOhm.
Basic accuracy: ± 0,1% of reading, ± 1digit
Measurement frequency: User settable 100 Hz, 1 kHz or 10 kHz.
Display: 5 digit, 14 mm LED with automatic decimal point.
Connection to component under test: 4 terminal integral test jig.
Accuracy of measurement frequency: ± 0,01% of nominal.